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When do law school graduates receive job offers?

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Feel like you’re the only one without a job offer? 

Don’t worry — you’re not. 

There are some employers — notably large law firms, judges hiring judicial clerks and JAG Corps — that extend offers before graduation. More than 70 percent of state and federal judicial clerkship positions are hired before graduation. Law firms with more than 100 lawyers make three-quarters of their job offers before graduation, while even larger firms make an even greater percentage of offers early in the year, according to the NALP “Class of 2014: Jobs & JDs” report. 

But other employers, such as prosecutor offices and small law firms, do a substantial portion of their hiring after graduation. 



Timing of job offer by employment type
Employer/Job type Before graduation, % After graduation, but before bar results, % After graduation and after bar results, %
All employers 52.1 20.5 27.4
Business 39.4 28.2 32.4
Government 42.4 24.6 33
Judicial clerkships 75.7 14.1 10.2
Private practice: 1-10 lawyers 36.3 25.9 37.8
Private practice: 11-25 lawyers 47 22.6 30.4
Private practice: 26-50 lawyers 57.7 20.3 22
Private practice: 51-100 lawyers 65.2 15 19.8
Private practice: 101-250 lawyers 76.5 10.9 12.6
Private practice: 251-500 lawyers 88.5 6.7 4.8
Private practice: 501+ lawyers 92.3 4.5 3.2
Public interest 40.9 24.3 34.8


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