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Football and law: Two tough fields, one tough guy

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It’s college football season!

And you know what that means … Gabriel Mobley will be busy studying his play book  — and law books. 

He’s a center with the Georgia State Panthers, as well as a 2L at Georgia State University College of Law. 


Photo Courtesy of Georgia State University Athletics

Photo courtesy of Georgia State University Athletics


Mobley of Moultrie, Georgia, is 6 foot 2 inches and weighs 280 pounds. In his first year of law school, he managed to survive the grueling academic schedule as well be a part of the Panthers win at the Auto Nation Cure Bowl in Orlando, Florida. That was a first for the program.

During football season, from 8 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday, Mobley can be found at the Georgia State University practice facility in Southwest Atlanta, running drills with the football team.

Mobley connects what he learned while playing sports to law school, he said perseverance and being resilient is key. “Sometimes you have to battle through injuries in sports and continue to play through the pain,” he told the school’s news service. “You just have to keep pushing.

“In law school, it gets hard trying to balance everything,” Mobley said. “When I have a problem and I feel like I’m not getting enough time, I still have to figure out how to push through it.”

In 2017, Mobley graduated from Georgia State in just three years with a degree in history.

He’s nicknamed “Matlock,” after the TV character Ben Matlock, according to a recent story on Mobley in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. 

He told the paper there were times during first year he had trouble finding the time to eat. 

“The main thing is to find time to do stuff that makes you happy on the side, too,” Mobley said. “You can’t just let the law school and the football pile up together and stress you out, because if you do then you’re just going to crash.”

Mike Stetz

Mike Stetz

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