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Top Job Search Websites for Legal Jobs and Alternative Legal Careers

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By Hillary Mantis

Online job listings are still one of the most useful tools in your job search — plus, they are so easy to use. Whether you want a traditional law job or an alternative career, here’s a list of some of the ones that are helpful, in my opinion, when you are trying to get your job search off the ground.

General legal job listing sites:

• Summer jobs: Your career services office on-line job listings are a great source of summer job listings. Many commercial websites will not list summer positions, but your school’s listings will include them.

• Private Sector jobs: (good source of general, legal and legally related positions—try search terms such as “legal” for permanent, or “legal summer” for summer positions. You can also search for legally related jobs in fields like compliance positions on this site.)

• Federal Government jobs: (Use J.D., attorney, and legal as search terms and your location)

• Jobs with the Courts/Judges:


Alternative Legal Careers job listing sites:

There are so many possibilities for alternative legal careers. When you find an industry that interests you, it’s a good idea to start by going to that industry’s association. Every industry has an association, just as law has the American Bar Association. It’s an easy way to connect with information and job listings. Below is a list of job sites for some of the more popular alternative legal career choices.

General: (Good overview of several industries and great links—a good place to start when you are researching alternative legal careers)

Education:  (Administrative and teaching positions in law schools and colleges)

Finance/Business: (Jobs throughout the financial sector)

Human Resources: (Site for the Society for Human Resource Management with job bank. Sometimes a legal background is helpful for positions in HR.)

Writing:  (Editorial positions, sometimes in legal publications)

Public Relations: (Site for the Public Relations Society of America, with a job bank)

Healthcare: (Health care is a growth area-this site focuses on information and legally related jobs in health care)

Politics: (Want to work for the next President? Or on the Hill? Check out their listings)

Hillary Mantis consults with pre-law students, law students and lawyers. She counsels attorneys seeking alternative legal careers, is the author of Alternative Careers for Lawyers, and a Director of the Pre-Law Advising Program at Fordham University. For more information, you can reach Hillary at


Hillary Mantis Esq.

Hillary Mantis Esq.

Hillary Mantis consults with pre-law students, law students and lawyers. She is the Assistant Dean of the Pre-law Program at Fordham University and author of career books for lawyers. Admissions questions? You can reach her at
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