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Barbri is the industry leader, with more than 1.3 million lawyers having used the company’s program since the 1960s. Today, more than half of all law students turn to Barbri, which offers a comprehensive course in every jurisdiction, including both live courses and online lectures in many states. Since its inception, it has featured renowned lecturers, and it has expanded its online study materials in recent years to include progress tracking.


It offers a personal study plan, created by its Intuitive Study Assistant And Coach (ISAAC), which uses artificial intelligence to focus students on the areas where they need the most work. The program sets a study schedule and tracks progress with a user interface that students like. It also tracks students against other Barbri users in their state, and since so many people take Barbri, the results are quite accurate.


$1,999 to $3,999

Payment PLan Options

3, 6 and 12-month plans are available


If you don’t pass the bar, you can take the same course again for no added cost

Available in

All states

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