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How to avoid feeling overwhelmed during law school orientation

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Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

As the summer winds down and law school orientation approaches, you’re probably wondering how to prepare. After all, orientation is when you begin meeting your classmates and learning the ropes of law school. You’re bound to hear a lot of new information in a very short time, so we’ve put together the following tips to help you make the most of the experience.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

During your law school orientation, you’ll meet your classmates for the first time. Yes, your peers are your competition, but they’ll also be your friends, study partners, and important resources during and after law school. Orientation is a great time to make new connections. If you’re someone who is naturally more reserved, try to push yourself to talk to a least a few new people each day.

Remember, It’s Normal to Feel Nervous

Chances are there will be a moment during your law school orientation where things start to feel real. As a result, many students report that they felt more nervous about law school during orientation than they had in the months leading up to it. If that happens to you, just remember that everyone around you is feeling the same way!

Don’t Be Afraid to Take a Break

Most law schools will pack their orientation chock full of activities. Whether it’s bonding with classmates, learning about policies and procedures, or just trying to not to get lost, orientation can easily feel overwhelming. If that happens, don’t be afraid to take a quick break. Some events may be mandatory, but others might not. For example, if you know you’re interested in government work you can probably skip that panel on private sector opportunities!

Take a Moment to Reflect

While you may be tempted to fall into bed the moment you get home each night, stop and take a moment to reflect on your day. You may want to write down a few key things you learned and otherwise take stock of how you’re feeling. This can help you feel grounded and prepare you to hit the ground running the next day.

If you are starting law school in the fall, your orientation will be here before you know it. Follow our preparation tips to ensure your success.

Ashley Heidemann

Ashley Heidemann

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